Auxiliary I-Frame Splicing - QoMEX'23 Demo

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Auxiliary I-Frame Spliced frame
Original Video frame
Content QP PSNR score increase (%) VMAF score increase (%) Data saving compared to High Quality (QP 20) (%) Extra data consumed compared to Unspliced Version (QP 50) (%)
BBB 50 26.77 105.78 44.44 1277.96
40 25.41 22.28 43.40 421.78
30 19.18 4.09 37.28 99.43
motorbike 50 19.24 78.72 85.00 2515.98
40 18.25 15.61 84.32 396.75
30 12.14 1.43 75.34 38.52
no-event 50 19.99 72.68 87.46 1345.3
40 15.39 10.36 86.25 278.69
30 11.30 0.69 71.80 27.84